Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Sketch

It's five in the morning, but I still can't get to sleep. There's a half-dreamed image in my mind, one that I'd draw if I had the skill, but since I'm still working on the basics and this is far beyond that, I'll draw it with words instead.

There are three women in the scene, against a curved wall of dirt marking an enormous pit in the ground. One is deep in shadow and difficult to make out, further down than the other two, her hand reaching up in desperation the clearest thing about her. In the center, a young woman with light brown curls is clinging to the end of a long tree root by one arm, and with the other cannot quite decide whether to reach down to the one in shadow or up to the third woman. That third is blonde and holding a fiery torch in one hand, providing most of the light in the scene, while her other arm is wrapped around the same root higher up. All three are frightened and the one in the middle is deeply conflicted. She wants to save the one down further and yet wants to join the one up higher in safety; it is all but impossible to do both.

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